Source code for nfp.preprocessing.mol_preprocessor

from typing import Callable, Dict, Hashable, Optional

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from nfp.frameworks import tf
from nfp.preprocessing import features
from nfp.preprocessing.preprocessor import Preprocessor
from nfp.preprocessing.tokenizer import Tokenizer

    import rdkit.Chem
except ImportError:
    rdkit = None

[docs]class MolPreprocessor(Preprocessor): def __init__( self, atom_features: Optional[Callable[["rdkit.Chem.Atom"], Hashable]] = None, bond_features: Optional[Callable[["rdkit.Chem.Bond"], Hashable]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super(MolPreprocessor, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.atom_tokenizer = Tokenizer() self.bond_tokenizer = Tokenizer() if atom_features is None: atom_features = features.atom_features_v1 if bond_features is None: bond_features = features.bond_features_v1 self.atom_features = atom_features self.bond_features = bond_features
[docs] def create_nx_graph(self, mol: "rdkit.Chem.Mol", **kwargs) -> nx.DiGraph: g = nx.Graph(mol=mol) g.add_nodes_from(((atom.GetIdx(), {"atom": atom}) for atom in mol.GetAtoms())) g.add_edges_from( ( (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx(), {"bond": bond}) for bond in mol.GetBonds() ) ) return nx.DiGraph(g)
[docs] def get_edge_features( self, edge_data: list, max_num_edges ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: bond_feature_matrix = np.zeros(max_num_edges, dtype=self.output_dtype) for n, (start_atom, end_atom, bond_dict) in enumerate(edge_data): flipped = start_atom == bond_dict["bond"].GetEndAtomIdx() bond_feature_matrix[n] = self.bond_tokenizer( self.bond_features(bond_dict["bond"], flipped=flipped) ) return {"bond": bond_feature_matrix}
[docs] def get_node_features( self, node_data: list, max_num_nodes ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: atom_feature_matrix = np.zeros(max_num_nodes, dtype=self.output_dtype) for n, atom_dict in node_data: atom_feature_matrix[n] = self.atom_tokenizer( self.atom_features(atom_dict["atom"]) ) return {"atom": atom_feature_matrix}
[docs] def get_graph_features(self, graph_data: dict) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: return {}
@property def atom_classes(self) -> int: """The number of atom types found (includes the 0 null-atom type)""" return self.atom_tokenizer.num_classes + 1 @property def bond_classes(self) -> int: """The number of bond types found (includes the 0 null-bond type)""" return self.bond_tokenizer.num_classes + 1 @property def output_signature(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]: if tf is None: raise ImportError("Tensorflow was not found") return { "atom": tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None,), dtype=self.output_dtype), "bond": tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None,), dtype=self.output_dtype), "connectivity": tf.TensorSpec(shape=(None, 2), dtype=self.output_dtype), } @property def padding_values(self) -> Dict[str, tf.constant]: """Defaults to zero for each output""" if tf is None: raise ImportError("Tensorflow was not found") return { key: tf.constant(0, dtype=self.output_dtype) for key in self.output_signature.keys() } @property def tfrecord_features(self) -> Dict[str,]: """For loading preprocessed inputs from a tf records file""" if tf is None: raise ImportError("Tensorflow was not found") return { key: [], dtype=self.output_dtype if len(val.shape) == 0 else tf.string ) for key, val in self.output_signature.items() }
[docs]class SmilesPreprocessor(MolPreprocessor): def __init__(self, *args, explicit_hs: bool = True, **kwargs): super(SmilesPreprocessor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.explicit_hs = explicit_hs assert rdkit is not None, "rdkit required for SmilesPreprocessor"
[docs] def create_nx_graph(self, smiles: str, *args, **kwargs) -> nx.DiGraph: mol = rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) if self.explicit_hs: mol = rdkit.Chem.AddHs(mol) return super(SmilesPreprocessor, self).create_nx_graph(mol, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BondIndexPreprocessor(MolPreprocessor):
[docs] def get_edge_features( self, edge_data: list, max_num_edges ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: bond_indices = np.zeros(max_num_edges, dtype=self.output_dtype) for n, (_, _, edge_dict) in enumerate(edge_data): bond_indices[n] = edge_dict["bond"].GetIdx() edge_features = super(BondIndexPreprocessor, self).get_edge_features( edge_data, max_num_edges ) return {"bond_indices": bond_indices, **edge_features}
@property def output_signature(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]: if tf is None: raise ImportError("Tensorflow was not found") signature = super(BondIndexPreprocessor, self).output_signature signature["bond_indices"] = tf.TensorSpec( shape=(None,), dtype=self.output_dtype ) return signature
[docs]class SmilesBondIndexPreprocessor(SmilesPreprocessor, BondIndexPreprocessor): pass